[29] Chao Wang, Pengbo Zhou, Hangyu Qian, Xingchao Nie, Jing Li, Tianyong Gong, and Guangtong Ma*, “Experimental Studies of Current Decay in a Flux Pumped HTS Magnet Subject to Travelling Magnetic Fields,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol.29, no.5, Aug. 2019. Art. ID. 4603405. (SCI Index: 000469949000001; EI Index: 20192407027704)
[30] 杨文姣, 马光同*, Loic Queval, 李刚, 叶常青, 邓钰科. 基于三维多物理场强耦合模型的超导磁悬浮振动特性,科学通报,vol.64, no.31, p.3255-3266, Oct. 2019. (EI Index: 20195307948549)
下一条:[28] Pengbo Zhou, Chao Wang, Hangyu Qian, Loïc Quéval, Zhen Luo, Yuke Deng, Jing Li, Yongjian Li, Guangtong Ma*, “Frequency-dependent Transport AC Losses of Coated Superconductors up to Tens of Kilohertz,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol.29, no.5, Aug. 2019. Art. ID. 8201705. (SCI Index: 000466084500001; EI Index: 20191806856463)