Supervisor of Master's Candidates
ZHENG Yuchao
Associate Professor
Vice Dean of Department of Underground Engineering
Links: CV
PhD, Southwest Jiaotong University, Bridge and Tunnel Engineerig (2007)
M.A., Southwest Jiaotong University, Bridge and Tunnel Engineerig (2000)
B.S., Southwest Jiaotong University, Tunnel and Underground Engineering (1997)
Academic Appointments
Tunnel Design Engneer, Shenzhen Municipal Engineering Design Institute(2000-2006)
Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, PRC (2009-)
Lecturer, School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, PRC (2007-2009)
Administrative Appointments
Vice Dean of Department of Underground Engineering (2018-)
Research Interests
Proximity construction and risk assessment of tunnel and underground engineering,Design theory of tunnel and underground engineering,Dynamic damage and Countermeasures of underground structure
Principal Publications of the Last Five Years
Yuchao Zheng, Siyue He, Yu Yu, Jieyuan Zheng, Yong Zhu, Tong Liu. Characteristics, challenges and countermeasures of giant karst cave: A case study of Yujingshan tunnel in high-speed railway. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021(114), 0886-7798. Access number:000663724800001
Feiyue Yan, Wenge Qiu, Yuchao Zheng*. Experimental investigation and numerical analysis of mechanical behaviour of railway station reconstruction over twin tunnels.Tunnelling and underground Space Technology. 2021(6), Vol.14:1-18.
Dongya Duan, Wenge Qiu, Yongjian Chen, Yuchao Zheng*. Reconstruction of shield tunnel lining using point cloud. Automation in construction. 2021.10. Vol.130:1-17.
Yuchao Zheng*, Jianyong Lei, Fei Wang, etc. Investigation on Dewatering of a Deep Shaft in Strong Permeable Sandy Pebble Strata on the Bank of the Yellow River. Geofluids. 2021.09, Vol.2021:12.
Yuchao Zheng,Jun Xiong,Tong Liu*.Performance of a deep excavation in Lanzhou strong permeable sandy gravel strata. Arabian Journal of Geosciences.2020,Vol.13:155-167.
Yuchao Zheng, Kai Liu, Yong Fang. Rockburst Prediction Model Based on Entropy Weight Integrated with Grey Relational -BP Neural Network. Advance in civil engineering. 2019.1-8.
Selected Awards and Honors
The Mechanized Method with Large Section Horseshoe Shape EPB-TBM First Applied in Loess Mountain Tunnel as WINNER of the ITA Tunnelling and Underground Space Awards in the Categorechnical Project Innovation of the Year 2018
Yujingshan Mountain Tunnel Crossing Giant Kast Cave as WINNER of the ITA Tunnelling and Underground Space Awards in the Category Overcoming the challenge 2020
Second Prize of Tianjin Science and Technology Progress Award(2020)
Second prize of Science and Technology of Anhui Province(2021)
First prize of Science and Technology of Guizhou Province(2021)
Professional Activities
Council Member of Soft Rock Branch of Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering (2019–)
Secretary General of Tunnel Life Cycle Management and Disaster Prevention and Reduction of Tunnel and Underground Engineering Branch of Chinese Society of Civil Engineering(2020-)
Current Research
Tunnel deformation control and design theory based on energy principle, General project of NSFC, Project No.: 52078431, Period: 2021.1 ~ 2024.12
Study on support system of bias pressure tunnel in completely weathered granite stratum,Period: 2022.1 ~ 2024.12
Research project title 3
Dr. Zheng is a member of Construction And Maintenance Technology of Traffic Tunnel Engineering Group
Primary Teaching areas
Design of tunnel and underground engineering
Construction of tunnel and underground engineering
Structural and constructional Analyses of tunnel and underground engineering
Current Courses
Mountain Tunnel
Civil Engineering Test and Measurement
Similarity Theory and Model Test
I am available for supervision. Over the past eight years, I have supervised and graduated 21 M.A students.