Tonggang ZHANG Associate Professor

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Personal Information

  • Business Address: Room X4544, Xipu campus.
  • Academic Titles: Asso. Prof.
  • Other Post: Member of Special Committee on Mine Survey, China Society of Surveying and Mapping
  • Alma Mater: Southwest Jiaotong University
  • School/Department: Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering

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    Associate Professor, Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering (FGEE)


    SWJTU XIPU Campus Building 4 Room 4546



    Bachelor's degree in Photogrammetry and remote sensing, Compter Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, 1999

    Ph.D., Southwest Jiaotong University, China, 2006

    Visit Scholar, ITC Faculty, University of Twente, Netherlands, 2016


    Associate Professor, Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering (FGEE)

    Research Interests

    My research has focused on laser scanning point cloud data processing technology and its application in rail transit. The specific research contents include: (1) laser point cloud data processing; (2) surface matching technology without control points; (3) precise engineering survey of high-speed railway; (4) track measurement.

    Selected Publications

    Tonggang ZHANG*, Yuhui KAN, Hailong JIA, Chuan DENG, Tingsong XING.(2020)Urban Vehicle Extraction from Aerial Laser Scanning Point Cloud Data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020, 41(17), 6664–6697 

    Maolin FENG, Tonggang ZHANG*, Shichao LI, Guoqing JIN, Yanjun XIA,(2020)Improved minimum bounding rectangle algorithm for regularized building boundary extraction from aerial LiDAR point cloud with partial occlusion,International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41(1), 200-219 

    Li, Yangtenglong, Minyi Cen, Tonggang Zhang. (2018). A novel data processing method for sectional rail measurements to detect track irregularities in high-speed railways, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 232(2): 435-444. 

    Chen, Xiaowei, Minyi Cen, Haitao Guo, Tonggang Zhang, Chuan Zhao, Baoming Zhang. (2018). Chinese satellite photogrammetry without ground control points based on a public DEM using an efficient and robust DEM matching method, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39(3): 704-726. 

    Zhang, T., G. Vosselman, S. J. Oude Elberink. (2017). Vehicle recognition in aerial Lidar point cloud based on dynamic time warping, ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, IV-2/W4: 193-198.

    Zhang, Tonggang, Minyi Cen, Zizhen Ren. (2015). A novel method for improved DEM deformation detection, European Journal of Remote Sensing, 48(1): 71-84.

    Zhang, T., M. Cen, Z. Ren, R. Yang, Y. Feng, J. Zhu. (2010). Ability to detect and locate gross errors on DEM matching algorithm, International Journal of Digital Earth, 3(1): 72-82

    2016.3  to   2017.3
    Faculty of ITC, University of Twente  |  Laser Scanning  |  Visiting Scholar  |  Visiting Scholar

    2002.9  to   2006.12
    Southwest Jiaotong University  |  Geodesy and Surveying Engineering  |  PhD graduate  |  Doctor's degree

    2019.1  to  Now
    Southwest Jiaotong University
    Yancheng Rail Transit Research Center

    2006.12  to  Now
    Southwest Jiaotong University
    Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering
    Secretary of CCP Branch / Vice head of Dept. of Geomatics
    Asso. Prof.

    2019.3  to  Now
    国家铁路局 铁路科技标准规划专家库专家(2019-)

    2018.8  to  2021.8
    中国测绘学会 矿山与地下测量专委会委员(2018-2021)