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Dr Liu


Personal Information

Education Level:PhD graduate

Business Address:成都市高新西区西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院

Professional Title:Professor

Academic Titles:西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院院长

Alma Mater:新泽西理工学院


Honors and Titles:
2019  elected:2019年获得中国交通运输协会“优秀智慧物流信息平台应用案例”奖;
2018  elected:2018年获得美国科学院交通研究委员会TRB“Stella Dafermos最佳论文奖'';
2006  elected:AmericanCouncil of Engineering Companies of New Jersey 2006 "Award for EngineeringExcellence";
2004  elected:Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE Metropolitan Section of NY&NJ), the Most Outstanding Student Paper award.;
2003  elected:2003年获得全美公共交通基金奖GeorgeKrambles Transit Foundation National Scholarship Award


Dr. Liu is the dean of the school of transportation and logistics in Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), a leading university in the discipline of rail transportation that provides most key technologies for high speed rail system development in China. The school of transportation and logistics (STL) has 120 faculties with five majors in rail transportation engineering, traffic engineering, traffic safety, logistic management and logistic engineering with annual US$ 5 million research funding. There are more than 3000 students including the bachelor, master and PhD. Students in the STL. STL has a National Engineering Laboratory for Transportation Big-Data Technology and Application (NELTBDTA). As the deputy director of NELTBDTA, Dr. Liu is leading several research groups to work on a wide variety of research areas, of which the most noteworthy include: integrated planning, advanced operation and intelligent logistic driven by Big-Data technology. His research focused on the direction of transportation system analysis under connected vehicle/autonomous vehicle environment, and intelligent logistics analysis. Dr. Liu is keen on cultural communication and academic collaboration with the researchers and universities around the world. He has recruited some excellent scholars from top universities such as University of Michigan, Northwestern University, TU Delft, Technical University of Munich, and National University of Singapore, etc. around USA, Europe and Asia. During Dr. Liu’s administration, STL has established a student exchange program with University of Yamanashi. Currently, he is proposing student exchange programs between CEE in NJIT and STL in SWJTU,and between School Of Logistics in Inha University and STL in SWJTU.



Doctor of Philosophy, Transportation


New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, 2004


Master of Science, Transportation Engineering


Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, 1999


Bachelor of Science, Transportation Engineering


Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, 1996

Other Contact Information:




Educational Experience

  • 1999.9-2004.5

    New Jersey Institute of Technology | Transport works | PhD graduate | Doctor's degree

  • 1996.9-1999.7

    西南交通大学 | 交通运输规划与管理 | Master graduate 

  • 1992.9-1996.7

    西南交通大学 | 铁道运输 | Bachelor degree 

Work Experience

  • 2015.3-Now


Social Affiliations

    No content

Research Group

Name of Research Group:智慧交通与物流关键算法与应用技术

Description of Research Group:一: 智能网联自动驾驶交通系统协同管控技术
刘晓波 面上基金 (混合交通环境下无人驾驶车最优换道策略和路径规划问题研究)
郑芳芳 面上基金 (考虑通行能力可靠度和系统稳定性的分散式和路网边界混合控制模型与方法)
郑芳芳 青年基金 (考虑行程时间可靠度的城市干道信号控制优化方法研究)
曹鹏  青年基金 (基于智能汽车环境感知的交通流全车微观轨迹重构研究)
杨鸿泰 青年基金 (考虑成本与效益的需求响应式接驳公交服务设计方法研究)


刘晓波 国家重点研发计划(智慧物流管理与智能服务关键技术)课题2
刘晓波 海外联合基金(基于O2O平台的公路货运资源优化配置的策略研究)
刘晓波 美国能源基金会项目(中国货运能源消耗特性分析及政策建议)
何娟 面上基金(基于金融新科技的供应链金融机制设计与风险管理)
何娟 面上基金(考虑物流企业金融属性的供应链金融风险监管研究)
何娟 青年基金(基于多方交易行为分析的供应链金融集成风险管理研究)
甘蜜 青年基金(考虑交通拥堵与低碳经济均衡的内陆港物流网络设计问题研究)
胡路 青年基金 (动态随机环境下电动汽车共享系统配置与运营联合决策优化)

蒋阳升 面上基金(考虑火灾动态影响的地铁车站疏散设施系统配置优化理论与方法)
蒋阳升 青年基金(考虑稳定性的城市轨道交通车站乘客服务设施系统配置优化理论与方法—基于排队网络视角)
马剑 面上基金(有限理性人群拥挤致灾机制与管控方法研究)
谢军 面上基金 (考虑多种方式衔接的公交分配模型与算法研究)
谢军 青年基金 (基于特定拓扑结构的交通分配算法分析与设计方法)
傅志坚 青年基金 (中高密度区间集群效应对行人流基本图的影响研究)
孙湛博 青年基金 (混合均衡行为下考虑空气污染暴露的交通诱导理论与方法研究)
刘涛 青年基金 (求响应式公交系统车辆调度问题的交互式优化方法研究)