刘盛 讲师(高校)


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刘盛,西南交通大学建筑学院助理教授,硕士生导师,香港中文大学未来城市研究中心荣誉副研究员,2021年在香港中文大学获得建筑学哲学博士学位,并在香港大学建筑学院从事博士后研究。他的研究领域长期关注于低碳城市与绿色建筑设计、建筑性能模拟与优化、城市微气候与城市建筑能耗模拟等领域的研究与应用,并拥有实践建筑师经验。近五年共发表20余篇学术论文,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、四川省自然科学基金青年项目、四川省哲学社科基金青年项目、北大-林肯土地研究中心课题、港大SIRS研究基金、中央高校基本科研经费等8项课题,参与十四五重点研发计划、国家科技支撑计划、香港特区政府RIF项目等10余项横纵向课题,成果获得香港中文大学研究成果奖2023香港环保建筑大奖等奖励。他作为IBPSA、ASCE及HKGBC等学会会员,兼任领域内知名期刊Sustainable Cities and SocietyBuilding and Environment、Energy and Buildings、Applied Energy、Indoor Air、Architectural Science Review、Building Simulation20余SCI刊评审人多本期刊评审编辑/客座编辑。个人学术主页:Google Scholar-Sheng Liu  Researchgate-Sheng Liu


1. Liu Sheng, Kwok Yuting, Ren Chao*, Investigating the impact of urban microclimate on building thermal performance: a case study of dense urban areas in Hong Kong, Sustainable Cities and Society, 92, 2023, 104509. (Top Journal-JCR一区期刊.IF2022=10.696) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2023.104509

2. Liu Sheng, Wang Yuyang, Liu Xiao*, Yang Linchuan, Zhang Yingzi, He Jingtang, How does future climatic uncertainty affect multi-objective building energy retrofit decisions? Evidence from residential buildings in subtropical Hong Kong, Sustainable Cities and Society, 92, 2023, 104482. (Top Journal-JCR一区期刊.IF2022=10.696, ESI高被引) 

3. Liu Sheng*, Kwok Yuting, Lau Kevin, Ng Edward, Applicability of different extreme weather datasets for assessing indoor overheating risks of residential buildings in a subtropical high-density city, Building and Environment, 194, 2021, 107711. (Top Journal-JCR一区期刊. IF2022=7.093)

4. Liu Sheng*, Zeng Aaron, Lau Kevin, Ren Chao, Chan Pai-Wai., Ng Edward, Predicting long-term monthly electricity demand under future climatic and socioeconomic changes using data-driven methods: A case study of Hong Kong, Sustainable Cities and Society, 70, 2021, 102936. (Top Journal-JCR一区期刊.IF2022=10.696)

5. Liu Sheng*, Kwok Yuting, Lau Kevin, Ouyang Wanlu*, Chan Pai-Wai., Ng Edward, Effectiveness of passive design strategies in responding to future climate change for residential buildings in hot and humid Hong Kong, Energy and Buildings, 228, 2020, 110469.  (Top Journal-JCR一区期刊. IF2022=7.201)

6. Liu Sheng*, Kwok Yuting, Lau Kevin, Tong Hongwai, Chan Pai-Wai., Ng Edward, Development and application of future design weather data for evaluating the building energy-thermal performance in subtropical Hong Kong, Energy and Buildings,2020,109696 (Top Journal-JCR一区期刊 IF2022=7.201)

7. Liu, S. *, Kwok, Y.T., Lau, K.K.L., Chan, P.W., Ng, E.Y.Y., Investigating the Energy Saving Potential of Applying Shading Panels on Opaque Façades: A Case Study for Residential Buildings in Hong Kong, Energy and Buildings, 193, 78-97, 2019. (Top Journal-JCR一区期刊 IF2022=7.201)

8. Liu Xiao, He, Jingtang., Xiong Ke, Liu Sheng*, He Baojie, Identification of factors affecting public willingness to pay for heat mitigation and adaptation: Evidence from Guangzhou, China, Urban Climate, 2023, 48:101350.(JCR一区期刊 IF2022=6.663, ESI高被引)

9. Liu Sheng, Yin Shi, Hua Junyi, Ren Chao. (Oct 2022). Climate-responsive architectural and urban design strategies for adapting to extreme hot events, in Adapting the Built Environment for Climate Change, Pacheco-Torgal(ed), https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-95336-8.00002-0.(Elsevier书籍)

10. Zeng, A. *, Liu, S., Yu, Y.*, Comparative Study of Data Driven Methods in Building Electricity Use Prediction, Energy and Buildings, 194, 189-200, 2019. (Top Journal-JCR一区期刊 IF2022=7.201)

11. Ouyang, W.L.*, Morakinyo Tobi, Ren Chao, Liu Sheng, Ng Edward, Thermal-irradiant performance of green infrastructure typologies: Measurement study in a subtropical climate, Science of the Total Environment, 764(10), 2021, 144635. (Top Journal-JCR一区期刊 IF2022=10.753)

12. Yin Shi, Hua Junyi, Ren Chao, Liu Sheng, et al., Impact of synoptic condition on urban microclimate variation: A measurement study in a humid subtropical city during summer season, Urban Climate, 2023, 47(2), 101350.(JCR一区期刊 IF2022=6.663)

13. Wei, D., Zhao, G., Liu, S., and Yang, L.*, Indoor thermal comfort in a rural dwelling in southwest China.Front. Public Health, 2022, 10:1029390. (JCR 一区期刊 IF2022=6.461)

14. 刘盛.湘西地区乡土民居被动式节能技术适应性研究”, 建筑学报,S2(15), 42-45, 2016.

15. 刘盛, 黄春华传统窨子屋民居自然通风效果影响机理研究”,建筑科学,10(33), 128-133, 2017.(CSCD核心期刊)

16. 刘盛, 黄春华湘西传统民居夏季热环境分析及节能改造研究”, 建筑科学,06(32), 27-32, 2016.(CSCD核心期刊)

17. 刘盛, 刘益明, 姜彬 湘西传统民居节能改造研究,工业建筑,08(46),52-57, 2016.(CSCD核心期刊)

18. 欧童,刘益明, 刘盛,西“鲁班字”--没有图纸的工程图,建筑学报, S2(28), 44-50,2023.

19. Liu, S.*, Kwok, Y.T., Lau, K.K.L., Ng, E.Y.Y., The Impact of External Facade Shading on The Thermal Comfort of Public Rental Housing under Near-extreme Weather Conditions in Hong Kong, 2018 Passive and Low Energy Architecture PLEA, Hong Kong, Dec. 10-12, 2018.

20. Yan, H., Zhang,Y., Liu,S., Ji,G.H., Optimization of Daylight and Thermal Performance of Building Facade: A Case Study of Office Buildings in Nanjing, The 3rd International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2021), Shanghai, China, July. 03-04, 2021.

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
    2017.11 2021.9
    • 香港中文大学
    • 建筑学
    • 博士研究生
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations