
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Personal Information

  • Date of Employment: 2022-01-06
  • Education Level: PhD graduate
  • Degree: Doctor of engineering
  • Business Address: 犀浦校区3号楼X30271;邮箱
  • Gender: Male
  • Status: 在岗
  • Alma Mater: 北京航空航天大学
  • School/Department: 力学与航空航天学院
  • Discipline:Aerospace Science and Technology
    Solid Mechanics

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    刘虎,男,工学博士,西南交通大学教授,国家级高层次青年人才。2018年于北京航空航天大学获博士学位,随后至新加坡南洋理工大学从事博士后研究工作,2022年入职西南交通大学力学与航空航天学院,2023年获聘教授(正高级职称)。科研方面:2022年入选国家级高层次青年人才项目,2022年入选西南交通大学“雏鹰计划”,2017年获中国力学学会“王仁青年科技奖”。以第一/通讯作者发表SCI学术论文40余篇,其中JCR Q1区论文32篇,中科院Top论文25篇,中科院一区论文21篇,并有2篇入选ESI高被引论文。研究成果累计他引800余次(Web of Science),H-因子为19。作为核心参与人完成了包括新加坡3D打印中心、新加坡民航局与新加坡南洋理工大学联合项目和国家自然科学基金重点项目等在内的多项科研项目,授权国际发明专利2项,受理和授权国内发明专利多项。受邀担任中国兵工学会旗舰杂志Defence Technology (SCI, IF:4.035) 杂志青年编委。学术研究:长期致力于研究结构的冲击与振动力学响应机理,研究内容形成了结构服役安全的理论研究框架。具体来说:构建了泡沫和蜂窝等轻质材料与结构的冲击动态变形预测和耐撞性评估理论分析方法,通过拓扑设计提升了轻质材料与结构的抗冲击能量吸收特性,解决了其冲击防护运用中的难点问题;建立了缺陷和梯度复合结构的振动分析理论模型,量化了缺陷对复合结构振动特性的影响,解决了振动载荷作用下复合结构的安全裕度定量化和结构可靠性设计问题。课题组长期从事复合材料与结构的冲击与振动力学基础理论研究工作,针对复合材料与结构在强冲击载荷和各类振动载荷作用下的动力学响应机理开展了深入研究,取得了系列研究成果。课题组始终致力于解决重大装备领域的关键力学问题,服务于国家重大需求。诚挚欢迎对力学、机械、航空航天类专业感兴趣的博士后、博士研究生、硕士研究生、本科生等加入本团队!教育背景[1] 2014-2018 北京航空航天大学,航空科学与工程学院,固体力学,工学博士学位[2] 2010--2013 北京航空航天大学,航空科学与工程学院,固体力学,工学硕士学位工作经历[1] 2023至今,西南交通大学力学与航空航天学院,教授;[2] 2022-2023,西南交通大学力学与航空航天学院,副教授;[3] 2018-2021, 新加坡南洋理工大学,从事博士后科研工作;[4] 2013-2014,中国航发航空动力机械研究所,从事设计师工作;研究方向[1] 结构冲击动力学[2] 轻质复合材料力学[3] 飞行器耐撞性分析与设计[4] 结构振动特性分析荣誉奖励[1] 2022.11 入选国家级高层次青年人才项目;[2] 2022.01 入选西南交通大学 “雏鹰计划”;[3] 2017.10 入选中国力学学会 “王仁青年科技奖”;[4] 2018.10 入选北航优秀毕业生;社会兼职[1] Defence Technology(SCI,IF= 4.035)杂志青年编委。研究团队团队名称:“材料本构关系和疲劳断裂”研究团队团队介绍:康国政教授带领的“材料本构关系和疲劳断裂”研究团队主要从事先进材料的本构关系、疲劳与断裂力学、复合材料细观力学、智能材料与结构力学等方面的基础理论研究以及工程结构服役安全和剩余寿命评估。承担了国家自科学基金重点项目、国家杰出青年科学基金项目、国家自然科学基金面上和青年项目、重点研发子课题与子任务、四川省科技创新团队支持项目等国家和省部级项目20余项,横向服务项目若干项,研究经费较为充足。目前团队拥有教授5人(康国政,阚前华,吴圣川,张 旭,于超)、副教授6人(张 娟,刘宇杰,苗鸿臣,李瀛栩,王小萌、刘虎)、助理教授5人(刘俊杰、奥妮、胡雅楠,袁伟桃、付正鸿)。团队获得省部级自然科学和科技进步二等奖3项,国家教学成果二等奖2项。学术论文以第一/通讯作者发表SCI学术论文40余篇,其中JCR Q1区论文32篇,中科院Top论文25篇,中科院一区论文21篇,并有2篇入选ESI高被引论文。2023年[41] Hu Liu, Jingxuan Ma*. Heating process analysis for microplate subjected to moving laser pulse source. European Journal of Mechanics- A/Solids. 2023;97:104802. (SCI, Q1, IF = 4.873) (中科院二区)2022年[40] Hu Liu, Ee Teng Zhang, Guangjian Wang, Bing Feng Ng*. In-plane crushing behavior and energy absorption of a novel graded honeycomb from hierarchical architecture. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2022;221: 107202. (SCI, Q1, IF = 6.772) (中科院Top,一区)[39] Hu Liu, Bing Feng Ng*. Dynamic response of density-graded foam subjected to soft impact. Composite Structures. 2022; 284: 115145. (SCI, Q1, IF = 6.603) (中科院Top,一区)[38] Hu Liu, Qiao Zhang, Xianfeng Yang*, Jingxuan Ma. Size-dependent vibration of laminated composite nanoplate with piezo-magnetic face sheets. Engineering with Computers 2022;38:3007-23 (SCI, Q1, IF = 8.083) (中科院Top,二区)[37] Shujia Chen, Qiao Zhang, Hu Liu*. Dynamic response of double-FG porous beam system subjected to moving load. Engineering with Computers 2022,38:2309-28 (SCI, Q1, IF = 8.083) (中科院Top,二区)[36] Jingxuan Ma, Xianfeng Yang, Hu Liu*. Temperature and burn area prediction for nano-assisted non-invasive thermotherapy of subcutaneous tumor. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-022-11338-z (SCI, Q1, IF = 4.755) (中科院三区)[35] Qiao Zhang, Hu Liu*. Nonlinear thermo-mechanical response of bi-directional functionally graded porous beams with initial geometrical imperfection. International Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2022; 14: 2250006. (SCI, Q2, IF = 3.951) (中科院三区)2021年[34] Hu Liu*, Qiao Zhang. Nonlinear dynamics of two-directional functionally graded microbeam with geometrical imperfection using unified shear deformable beam theory. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2021;98:783-800. (SCI, Q1, IF = 5.336) (中科院Top,一区)[33] Hu Liu, Ee Teng Zhang, Bing Feng Ng*. In-plane dynamic crushing of a novel honeycomb with functionally graded fractal self-similarity. Composite Structures. 2021;270:114106. (SCI, Q1, IF = 6.603) (中科院Top,一区)[32] Hu Liu, Zheng Xian Caleb Chng, Guangjian Wang, Bing Feng Ng*. Crashworthiness improvements of multi-cell thin-walled tubes through lattice structure enhancements. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2021;210:106731. (SCI, Q1, IF = 6.772) (中科院Top,一区)[31] Hu Liu, Mohd Hasrizam Che Man, Kin Huat Low*. UAV airborne collision to manned aircraft engine: Damage of fan blades and resultant thrust loss. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2021;113: 106645. (SCI, Q1, IF = 5.457) (中科院Top,一区)[30] Han Wu, Hu Liu*. Nonlinear thermo-mechanical response of temperature-dependent FG sandwich nanobeams with geometric imperfection. Engineering with Computers 2021;37:3375-95. (SCI, Q1, IF = 8.083) (中科院Top,二区)[29] Hu Liu*, Shujia Chen. Dynamic response of double-microbeam system made of transverse, longitudinal, and two-dimensional functionally graded materials. European Physical Journal Plus. 2021;136: 1046. (SCI, Q2, IF = 3.758) (中科院二区)[28] Hu Liu, Qiao Zhang, Jingxuan Ma*. Thermo-mechanical dynamics of two-dimensional FG microbeam subjected to a moving harmonic load. Acta Astronautica. 2021;178: 681-692. (SCI, Q1, IF= 2.954) (中科院三区)2020年[27] Hu Liu, Han Wu, Zheng Lyu*. Nonlinear resonance of FG multilayer beam-type nanocomposites: Effects of graphene nanoplatelet-reinforcement and geometric imperfection. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2020;98:105702. (SCI, Q1, IF = 5.457, ESI高被引论文) (中科院Top,一区)[26] Zheng Lyu, Yaowen Yang, Hu Liu*. High-accuracy hull iteration method for uncertainty propagation in fluid-conveying carbon nanotube system under multi-physical fields. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2020;79:362-80. (SCI, Q1, IF = 5.336, ESI高被引论文) (中科院Top,一区)[25] Qiao Zhang, Hu Liu*. On the dynamic response of porous functionally graded microbeam under moving load. International Journal of Engineering Science. 2020;153:103317. (SCI, Q1, IF = 7.155) (中科院Top,一区)[24] Hu Liu, Zheng Lyu*. Modeling of novel nanoscale mass sensor made of smart FG magneto-electro-elastic nanofilm integrated with graphene layers. Thin-Walled Structures. 2020;151:106749. (SCI, Q1, IF = 5.881) (中科院二区)[23] Xianfeng Yang, Hu Liu*, Jingxuan Ma. Thermo-mechanical vibration of FG curved nanobeam containing porosities and reinforced by graphene platelets. Microsystem Technologies. 2020; 26: 2535-2551. (SCI, Q3, IF = 2.012) (中科院四区)2019年以前[22] Hu Liu, Shirun Ding, Bing Feng Ng*. Impact response and energy absorption of functionally graded foam under temperature gradient environment. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2019;172:516-532. (SCI, Q1, IF = 11.322) (中科院Top,一区)[21] Hu Liu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Hua Liu*, Jialing Yang, Hong Lin. Theoretical investigation on impact resistance and energy absorption of foams with nonlinearly varying density. Composites Part B: Engineering 2017;116:76-88. (SCI, Q1, IF = 11.322) (中科院Top,一区)[20] Hu Liu, Hua Liu*, Jialing Yang. Vibration of FG magneto-electro-viscoelastic porous nanobeams on visco-Pasternak foundation. Composites Part B: Engineering 2018; 155:244-56. (SCI, Q1, IF = 11.322) (中科院Top,一区)[19] Hu Liu, Jialing Yang, Hua Liu*, Guoxing Lu. Theoretical model for a ductile porous projectile striking on an elastic target bar. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2015;99:168-178. (SCI, Q1, IF = 6.772) (中科院Top,一区)[18] Zheng Lv, Hu Liu*. Nonlinear bending response of functionally graded nanobeams with material uncertainties. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2017;134:123-135. (SCI, Q1, IF = 6.772) (中科院Top,一区)[17] Hu Liu, Zheng Lv*, Haijun Tang. Nonlinear vibration and instability of functionally graded nanopipes with initial imperfection conveying fluid. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2019;76:133-50. (SCI, Q1, IF = 5.336) (中科院Top,一区)[16] Hu Liu, Zheng Lv*, Han Wu. Nonlinear free vibration of geometrically imperfect functionally graded sandwich nanobeams based on nonlocal strain gradient theory. Composite Structures. 2019; 214: 47-61. (SCI, Q1, IF = 6.603) (中科院Top,一区)[15] Jingjing Zhu, Zheng Lv*, Hu Liu*. Thermo-electro-mechanical vibration analysis of nonlocal piezoelectric nanoplates involving material uncertainties. Composite Structures 2019;208:771-83. (SCI, Q1, IF = 6.603) (中科院Top,一区)[14] Xianfeng Yang, Xulong Xi, Qifan Pan, Hu Liu*. In-plane dynamic crushing of a novel circular-celled honeycomb nested with petal-shaped mesostructure. Composite Structures. 2019; 226:111219. (SCI, Q1, IF = 6.603) (中科院Top,一区)[13] Hu Liu, Jialing Yang, Hua Liu*. Impact response of low-density foam impinging onto viscoelastic bar: A theoretical analysis. Composite Structures 2018; 200:47-58. (SCI, Q1, IF = 6.603) (中科院Top,一区)[12] Hu Liu, Zheng Lv*. Uncertain material properties on wave dispersion behaviors of smart magneto-electro-elastic nanobeams. Composite Structures 2018; 202: 615-24. (SCI, Q1, IF = 6.603) (中科院Top,一区)[11] Zheng Lv, Hu Liu*. Uncertainty modeling for vibration and buckling behaviors of functionally graded nanobeams in thermal environment. Composite Structures 2018;184:1165-1176. (SCI, Q1, IF = 6.603) (中科院Top,一区)[10] Hu Liu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Hua Liu*, Jialing Yang. Effect of elastic target on Taylor-Hopkinson impact of low-density foam material. International Journal of Impact Engineering 2016;94:109-119. (SCI, Q1, IF = 4.592) (中科院Top,二区)[9] Zheng Lv, Hu Liu*, Qi Li. Effect of uncertainty in material properties on wave propagation characteristics of nanorod embedded in elastic medium. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design 2018; 14:375-92. (SCI, Q2, IF = 3.561) (中科院二区)[8] Jingjing Zhu, Zheng Lv*, Hu Liu*. A novel iterative algorithm for natural frequency analysis of FG thin plates under interval uncertainty. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2019;60: 1389-1405. (SCI, Q1, IF = 4.279) (中科院二区)[7] Hu Liu, Zheng Lv*. Vibration and instability analysis of flow-conveying carbon nanotubes in the presence of material uncertainties. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2018;511:85-103. (SCI, Q2, IF = 3.778) (中科院二区)[6] Hu Liu, Hua Liu*, Jialing Yang. Longitudinal waves in carbon nanotubes in the presence of transverse magnetic field and elastic medium. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 2017;93:153-159. (SCI, Q2, IF = 3.369) (中科院二区)[5] Hu Liu, Zheng Lv*, Qi Li. Flexural wave propagation in fluid-conveying carbon nanotubes with system uncertainties. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2017; 21:140. (SCI, Q2, IF = 3.090) (中科院三区)[4] Hu Liu, Zheng Lv*. Uncertainty analysis for wave dispersion behavior of carbon nanotubes embedded in Pasternak-type elastic medium. Mechanics Research Communications 2018;92:92-100. (SCI, Q3, IF = 2.749) (中科院三区)[3] Hu Liu, Zheng Lv*. Vibration performance evaluation of smart magneto-electro-elastic nanobeam with consideration of nanomaterial uncertainties. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 2019; 30: 2932-52. (SCI, Q3, IF = 2.774) (中科院三区)[2] Hu Liu, Jialing Yang, Hua Liu*. Effect of a viscoelastic target on the impact response of a flat-nosed projectile. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2018;34: 162-174. (SCI, Q2, IF = 2.910)(中科院三区)[1] 刘虎,刘华,杨嘉陵. 泡沫子弹撞击弹性靶板的理论研究,北京航空航天大学学报 2016;42(7):1461- 68. (EI)

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    Defence Technology(SCI,IF= 4.035)杂志青年编委