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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Doctoral Supervisor
- Master Tutor
- Education Level:PhD graduate
- Degree:Doctor of engineering
- Business Address:X10708 Office, School of Electrical Engineering, Xipu Campus, Southwest Jiaotong University
- Professional Title:Professor
- Alma Mater:Southwest Jiaotong University
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- School/Department:School of Electrical Engineering

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- Profile
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- Honors & Awards
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Minwu Chen (1983) is professor also PhD supervisor in School of Electrical Engineering. He studied Power System and Automation in Southwest Jiaotong University and received his PhD degree in September 2009. His main research directions include traction power supply theory and new technology, power quality analysis and control, system reliability theory and evaluation, and power supply quality testing and evaluation of onboard equipment. Professor Chen was a postdoctoral fellow of China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co. LTD. From September 2014 to September 2015, he was sponsored by the National Research Foundation of China to conduct visiting scholar research at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. Currently, Professor Chen serves as the Vice President in School of Electrical Engineering.
Professor Chen was awarded the title of "2020 Transportation Youth Science and Technology Talent" by the Ministry of Transport, a reserve candidate of Sichuan academic and technical leader, selected as an expert of the State Railway Bureau. Professor Chen is an evaluation expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Sichuan Engineering Consulting Research Institute, Sichuan Railway Transportation Investment Co. LTD and Chongqing Railway Group Co. LTD.
Currently, Professor Chen is a member of the special reviewer of high-level journals at home and abroad, such as IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicle Technology, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, IET electrical systems in transportation, Power System Technology, China Railway Science, Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, etc.
More than 60 papers have been published in academic journals and conferences at home and abroad, of which more than 50 have been included in SCI / EI, and more than 10 invention patents have been applied and authorized. Professor Chen has presided over 2 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 project of science and technology plan of Central Military Commission, 1 project of key research and development plan of Sichuan Province, 1 project of basic scientific research business funds of Central University, 1 key project and 1 general project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 3 major projects of China Railway Corporation (former Ministry of Railways). Also presided more than 20 cooperation projects with State Grid Corporation of China, Electric Power Research Institute, various railway bureaus, railway design institutes, China Railway Corporation, etc.
Professor Chen has been praised by the second prize of the 8th Sichuan Provincial Teaching Achievement Award of higher education, the second prize of science and technology award of China Railway Society in 2018, the second prize of science and technology award of China Railway Construction in 2018, the third prize of science and technology award of China Railway Society in 2016, the second prize of science and technology award of China Railway Construction Corporation in 2016, the third prize of science and technology award of China Railway Society in 2014 The second prize of science and technology of China Electrotechnical Society in 2013 and the second prize of science and technology of China Railway Construction Corporation in 2011.
Professor Chen’s main research directions include traction power supply theory and new technology, power quality analysis and control, system reliability theory and evaluation, and power supply quality testing and evaluation of onboard equipment.
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Southwest Jiaotong University | Power System and Automation | Doctor of engineering | PhD graduate
Southwest Jiaotong University | Electrical Engineering and Automation | Bachelor of engineering | Bachelor degree

1.继续教育学院 | 教授 | 院长
2.西南交通大学 | 教授 | 副院长
3.西南交通大学 | 教授 | 院长助理
4.Southwest Jiaotong University | Professor | Teacher
5.China Railway First Survey and Design Institute | Post-doc

1.Name of Research Group:铁道电气化与自动化实验室
Description of Research Group:铁道电气化与自动化实验室系铁道部重点实验室,长期以来为我国铁道电气化事业培养了众多高层次的科研人员、管理人员和专业技术人员。实验室依托“电力系统及其自动化”国家重点学科和“轨道交通电气化与自动化”自主学科,着眼于国家轨道交通领域的科研前沿,以创新平台和创新人才为核心,着重开展牵引供电理论、同相供电技术、电能质量与控制、系统可靠性技术等方向的研究。实验室现有教师16人,已培养毕业博士、硕士(含工程硕士)300余名,其中汪吉健被评为全国首届“做出突出贡献的工程硕士学位获得者”,蒋先国被评为全国第二届“做出突出贡献的工程硕士学位获得者”,并被评为全国工程勘察设计大师。目前实验室在读博士生16名,硕士生88名。